NYBC has partnered with the Hemophilia Services Consortium, Inc., a cooperative hospital services organization dedicated to people with bleeding disorders, to provide pharmacy services to patients enrolled in select Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs). NYBC Specialty Pharmacy Services works with the HTCs’ team of physicians, nurses, administrators, and the Hemophilia Association for New York (a consumer-based organization), to provide a successful, multidisciplinary approach to caring for patients with bleeding disorders. NYBC Specialty Pharmacy Services also works with hospital Blood Banks to provide medications that help treat inpatients with bleeding disorders.

NYBC has dispensed over two billion units of factor medication and offers the experience, knowledge and reliability necessary to help patients manage their medications and infusion supplies. With our professional pharmacy staff and a broad inventory of factor medications to meet patient needs, we work in tandem with each center to provide quality service and support.

Enrolled patients have access to:

  • On-site customer service staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including weekends and holidays) via a toll-free number.
  • Medication monitoring to maintain each patient’s prescribed dosing schedule.
  • Delivery of medication by our privately owned and operated transportation fleet is available. Simply select a time that works best for your personal schedule.  For patients outside of the Metro New York and Long Island areas, we arrange shipment through a private courier service.
  • ETA – an optional service to let you know when your delivery will arrive within your delivery time frame.
  • Interpreting services available in any language for customer convenience and comfort.
  • NYBC is licensed to distribute factor medication and devices in New York, New Jersey and other states.
  • We provide all infusion supplies prescribed by your physician.
  • Our pharmacy offers a full line of factor concentrates in all sizes ordered directly from the manufacturer.
  • Sharps containers are provided at no cost with an optional waste removal service.
  • To ensure bleeding disorder patients have access to the care and medication they need, NYBC helps monitor legislation.

For pharmacy questions dial 516.478.5048 or 1.800.487.8751.

Patient Privacy and Confidentiality

New York Blood Center strives to deliver high-quality services in the most respectful ways to our patients and their families. Our goal is to protect and maintain the integrity and confidentiality of our patient’s health information.

The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) information contained in this section (HIPAA Privacy Notice and HIPAA Resources) are provided to keep you informed of your rights under the HIPAA and other general information related to the privacy and confidentiality of your health information.

  1. NY-POL-0005 HIPAA Privacy Notice
  2. NY-FRM-1190 HIPAA Privacy Notice Acknowledgement Form
  3. NY-FRM-1191 HIPAA Authorization for Release of Health Information Form
  4. NY-FRM-1192 HIPAA Request to Correct or Amend Health Information Form
  5. NY-FRM-1193 HIPAA Request for Accounting of Disclosures Form