Our research investigators are developing new molecular approaches and tools to advance safer transfusions

Eric Senaldi, MD
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, NYBCe
• Studies blood donor selection and deferral patterns, optimization of component processing, and implementation of quality control programs for donor and therapeutic apheresis

Bojing Shao, PhD
Head, Laboratory of Vascular Inflammation and Thrombosis Research
Current research projects include:
- N-glycans on neutrophil integrin b2 in progression of acute lung injury
- Patelets in maintaining the blood vessel integrity during inflammation

Connie Westhoff, SBB, PhD
Executive Scientific Director, National Center for Blood Group Genomics
Head, Laboratory of Blood Group Genomics
• Primary research focus is to improve transfusion practices through the use of genomics to bring personalized medicine to the field with a focus on patients with Sickle Cell Disease
• Also focused on the production of cultured red blood cells from stem cells, which holds the promise of revolutionizing the existing blood supply system

Karina Yazdanbakhsh, PhD
Vice President and Director of Research Development LFKRI
Head, Laboratory of Complement Biology
• Research devoted to preventing and treating sickle cell complications, including pain episodes and tissue injury
• Studying the consequences of transfusions in patients with sickle cell disease and developing strategies to optimize transfusion management for this patient group