Our research investigators are defining the utility of stem cells in transplantation and regenerative medicine

Christopher D. Hillyer, MD
President and CEO, Professor, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York
• Leader in developing novel methodologies and approaches for umbilical cord blood derived cellular therapies
• Research on hematopoietic stem cell expansion and efficacy protocols for improving transplant and gene therapy outcomes

Larry Luchsinger
Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
Director of Research Operations, LFKRI
Head, Laboratory of Stem Cell Regenerative Research
Director, NYBC iPSC Program
- Studies Hematopoietic Stem Cells with the goal of ultimately devising novel pharmacological molecules, culture techniques and expansion technologies to revolutionize the treatment of many hematological diseases
- Research efforts in creating clinical-grade off the shelf Hematopoietic Stem Cell Lines from umbilical cord blood cells for rejection-free stem cell transplantation

Ying Liang, MD, PhD
Head, Laboratory of Stem Cell Aging and Regeneration
• Research is focused on the molecular mechanisms regulating HSC and immune aging, stress response and transformation. Another research focus is the sex dimorphism in normal and malignant hematopoiesis.
• Research efforts in Latexin signaling in hematopoietic regeneration and leukemia development
• Investigating Inflammaging in the regulation of HSC and immune function

Venkat Magupalli, PhD
Head, Laboratory of Molecular and Mechanistic Cell Signaling
• Research focus is the innate immune system through its pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) acting as the first line of defense where its faithful activation protects the host not only from infectious agents but also from sterile/noxious molecules.
• Reseach efforts in Supramolecular Organizing Centers (SMOCs) in Inflammation, Cell death, and Anti-tumor Immunity: Signaling and Regulatory Mechanisms
• Investigating Organ-Specific Inflammasomes: Signatures and Signaling in Inflammatory Diseases

Avital Mendelson, PhD
Head, Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology & Engineering Researcher Profile
• Exploring new methods to expand platelets in vitro to improve our ability to meet clinical demands, lower the cost of unit safety testing, greatly enhance transfusion medicine and assist in patient treatment
• Investigating the mechanism by which the bone marrow microenvironment controls the potency of blood stem cells in healthy individuals and how they are perturbed in blood disorders

Rona Weinberg, PhD
Director, Cellular Therapy Laboratory
Head, Myeloproliferative Disorders (MPD) Research Laboratory
• Formulates cellular therapy products for bone marrow transplants and patients enrolled in clinical trials
• Currently developing gene therapy and immunotherapy products for the treatment of solid tumors
• Maintains one of the largest banks of cryopreserved tissues donated by MPN (blood cancer) patients that will ultimately lead to the development of molecularly targeted therapies